Harvard | Stanford | Wharton | MIT | Dartmouth | Kellogg | Chicago | Columbia | Yale | UVA | Duke | Berkeley

Get into the top business schools...

                              ...let veterans from HBS guide you.

Military experience is highly valued by business schools, but there are many qualified military applicants who apply and only a few who get in. The difference is in how well they position themselves and how well they understand the application process. We offer a wide range of services to help you acheive your full potential. 

If you are early enough in the process, a comprehensive school package delivers the most value and greatest impact. Specific help is also available through our "A La Carte" menu of options.

 A La Carte (click for more info)

Do you just need specific help? Choose from any of the following services:

*Squared Away Review end-to-end application feedback is available under Comprehensive Services in the purchase page.

Do you still have a while before your transition into the private sector? The earlier you can engage in your transition the better off you will be. There is a lot you can do in the last year before your MBA applications, and even more if you are 2-3 years out. For those with a while left before their application, we offer a discounted one hour introductory conversation to help with your long term strategy.

For the long term strategy session, we will review how you can spend the next 6, 12, or 24+ months to best position yourself for success. Top performers already know that long term planning is key for any endeavor, and the transition to the private sector is no different. This discounted price is available to anyone at least 6 months out before R1 applications are due, and if you choose to sign up for a package later, it will be discounted from the price.

 Comprehensive (click for more info)

Partner with us to take you through the entire process. We'll be with you from start to end, offering comprehensive assistance custom tailored to your needs.



Hourly (more info)

Do you have a specific agenda you want to set? From discussing your overall strategy to any particular tactical moves, we can help get you work through any specific obstacle.